Sculptor - Henri Alfred Jacquemart
Title - Chien assis regardant une Tortue
Sand Cast Bronze Delafontaine Foundry Circa 1855 6" height by 7" length (15.3 cm by 18 cm)
Jacquemart is best know for the many monuments he was commissioned to execute in France. Early in his career he sculpted a few models of animals. Among his best known and one of his finer small bronze works is the Hound looking at a Tortoise. This bronze was cast by the Delafontaine Foundry in Paris and stamped A*D on the base, the mark for this foundry.
A popular bronze which does not often come up for sale. The Hound with his long ears, studies the slow moving Tortoise walking in front of him. The bronze is well cast with a rich dark brown patina.
This bronze is illustrated in Animals in Bronze by Christopher Payne on pg. 220. and is also on the reverse side of the dust jacket.